3 Email Marketing Trends to Watch in 2018

As 2017 is rapidly coming to a close, it’s time to turn our heads and start preparing our email marketing strategies for the coming year.  It is estimated that as of January 2017, more than 3.7 billion people around the globe use email.  That is a lot of potential prospects!

Competition is high and developing new ways to stand out in a prospect’s inbox and garner their attention is no easy task.  Here is a quick rundown of three trends that made an appearance in 2017 and that we believe will become trends to not only watch but to incorporate into your email marketing strategy, in 2018:

Interactive Emails

It’s no surprise that user attention spans are declining and user lifestyles are getting busier and busier.  To make sure you catch the attention of your target audience and make reading your email worth their while, create a fun, engaging email experience. Bring in games, polls, surveys, videos, quizzes, search bars, sliders and other fun activities into your emails.

One of the hottest new elements of email marketing engagement that recently hit the scene is mailable microsites.  A mailable microsite is an interactive email that allows users to engage with the companies interface within the user’s inbox.  Features include menu options and navigation bars, rotating banners, gifs and videos, countdowns and social sharing.

Not only will these engagement opportunities foster engagement, it is also more linking to spur your audience to share your message with others; thus, increasing the overall reach of your message.

Artificial Intelligence Email Marketing

There is no denying that the popularity of artificial intelligence (AI) has increased by leaps and bounds over the course of the past year.  This momentum is expected to pick up the pace in 2018 and engulf other media streams such as email marketing.

In the future, we expect that machine learning will aid email marketers by suggesting ways to segment email lists, integrate product recommendations and in creating more personalized, engaging emails based on a user’s past behaviors and engagement activities.

Responsive Design and Plain Text Emails

We live in a mobile-friendly society where content being consumed on the go more and more.  As desktops are waning in popularity and mobile and tablets are increasing, it’s time to start designing for the majority.

We know mobile-optimized sites create better user engagement, but what many fail to realize is that the same is true for email.   Slow loading emails that aren’t optimized will run the risk of low engagement and clickthrough rates.  Taking the same responsive approach to emails as we’ve taken with our websites, will ensure that your emails are accessible and inviting to all users, regardless of what platform they are using to consume information, mobile, tablet or desktop.



