Guide to Spam Proof Email Marketing: Part 1 – Why Email Marketing

Welcome to our six-part series, “Your Guide to Spam Proof Email Marketing.”  As your partners in email deliverability, we want to help you create email marketing campaigns that succeed, which is why we created this series. Our series will be broken into the following six posts: Part 1: Why Email Marketing Part 2: Getting Started […]

How to Create Engagement Through Email Marketing

Marketers around the world find email marketing to be one of the most direct and effective ways to reach out to potential customers and stay connected with current customers.  It’s also a fact that managing to create effective and impactful emails each and every time can be quite a daunting task, making it very hard […]

How to Measure Email Campaign Engagement

One of the most critical questions every email marketer faces is: “Am I creating strong email campaign engagement?” Sure, you can simply go to your dashboard and review the open rates, click through rates and bounce rates of your email campaigns and newsletters, but what you really need is to be able to prove how […]

Email Engagement: Everything You Need to Know for Success

Having engaged and loyal customers can seriously boost your company’s revenue, and creating an email engagement strategy will help you get there. While it’s acceptable to do general mailings to your entire customer base, regardless of their engagement status, it’s best practice to develop a separate strategy for those customers who engage with you on a […]